Year End Blog Wordle and My Rock

Every so often, I make up a word splash (wordle) of words that are most commonly used in my blog.  This was inspired by fellow vice-principal Erin Paynter from Ottawa.  The words you use more often are larger than the other less-used words. It is a good way to reflect on my blog and to ensure that my focus of my blog remains what I want it to be – on students and learning.

Here is my first Wordle from July, 2011.  As you can see, my focus was on “students” and “courage”.   Here is my second Wordle from February 2012, with an emphasis on “students” and “twitter”.  As you will see by looking at the Wordle below, my blog focus shifted somewhat in that “students” is not one of the most commonly used words anymore.  My focus remains: on learning and sharing (and the time it all takes). I think the focus has changed somewhat because I have really been concentrating my efforts of the learning of everyone – not just students, but teachers, fellow administrators, and my own learning.

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The focus of my latest Wordle (on learning) makes me think of a post by our Director of Instruction, Elisa Carlson.  Her last blog post is entitled, “What’s Your Rock?” In this post, Elisa talks about a rock that she has on her desk in her office on which she has written a couple of words that clearly demonstrate her personal education goal. These are words that drive what she does each and every day. These words motivate her and help guide her work and keep her focused on what is most important in her vision. Elisa’s rock is “Transform Education”. I stand on her rock with her.  I also stand on our Superintendent, Mike McKay’s rock, “Build Human Capacity”.

When I think of my rock, what motivates me and keeps me focused and energized, it must be, “Lifelong Learning for All”.  I believe that continued learning by all members in education: students, parents, teachers, administrator, and many others, is key for our system to move forward and transform. It’s not just about student learning anymore (if it ever was, that is). Without ongoing learning by everyone our system is stagnant.  Without ongoing learning, we will not move forward together. I work hard to help others find the way in their learning.  To do this, I question, encourage, challenge, share, model, support, mentor, and coach.  I am a life-long learner.  I am committed to learning and changing my practise along the way. I am committed to helping others on their journey as well.

Lifelong Learning for All.  This is my rock.

What is your rock?  Whose rocks do you share? Whose rocks do you stand on?

Published by Tia M. Dawson

There are many things that define who I am as a person. First of all, I am a mother of 3 wonderful children! I can not express how fortunate we are to have our children in our life! Secondly, I am an elementary educator who recently returned to the classroom after 12+ years as an elementary school administrator. Lastly, I am passionate about helping others, learning about abuse, helping others in abusive relationships, and helping others understand their worth.

5 thoughts on “Year End Blog Wordle and My Rock

  1. What a great post Tia! Thanks for sharing your thoughts in wordle form–a great way to see the focus of our thoughts and writing. I think it’s so important to continually come back to those big, essential questions, like “what is my rock?” As 2012 closes, I know I’ve found myself pondering that question as I reflect on the past year and anticipate, plan and dream for 2013. I think my “rock” phrase would be very similar to yours, but would need to work the word “passion” in as well. I feel so very fortunate to have a vp who is also a very good friend. We were friends before she came to our school and I quickly discovered we have many similarities both in life in general but also in terms of education. Now, to have her in the same building as myself, as a leader has been wonderful as we stand on the rocks together and invite others to join us.

    1. Hi Tanya,

      Yes! I agree with you so much about passion. I am very passionate about what I do. That is what makes me who I am. I strongly believe that educators need to be passionate and instill passion in their students. So very important to learning!

      How nice for you to have someone with you at your school who you can stand together on your rock with. That essential for the change process – start with one person sharing your rock and then the passion spreads and you slowly get more people on your rock. Pretty soon you are building rocks together.

      I hope you enjoy the start of 2013 with a great focus!

      Thanks for taking time to read and comment on my blog,


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